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What Hume Means to Me

Hume is a beautiful place that reflects God's glory in the mountain peaks, rustling trees, and the shimmering lake. For me, Hume is a place full of precious childhood memories and meaningful milestones. As a kid, I remember waking up early for morning hikes with my dad, learning to play Rook, climbing up and balancing on the giant log at the cove, and eating McElroy french toast. Sometimes I got to bring friends along. My friend Melanie and I slept out on the front deck one night and woke up to raccoons staring at us. My dad liked to take all the kids on "bear hunts" and sit with us out in the deck at night watching bats fly around us. As I grew older, our family spent every afternoon on the volleyball court and had the most fun when good competition showed up! For a while I worked weekends up at Hume, serving and working in the kitchen for retreats. 

The most memorable Hume experience started after church on Sunday, August 1, 2010. My boyfriend Micah insisted he drive my Ford Focus back to the cabin. On the passenger side of the car I found a piece of paper with a clue...this started a hunt for more clues that lead me to Inspiration Point where I found a bouquet of flowers and a gift. Here Micah got on his knee and asked me to marry him. After we looked through the memory book he made for me, our families joined us for a surprise engagement lunch!

Micah and I both grew up coming to Hume. Now we get to continue the tradition with our children. Being a mom up at Hume is fun and challenging. Jacqueline and Abigail love playing in the sand and water and going on walks in the stroller. They also love exploring the cabin, which is not "child proof", so I'm constantly watching to make sure they are ok. They haven't been sleeping well at night so I feel very tired. I miss being able to sneak away for an early morning walk or a devotional time by the lake. I guess when they are older they'll walk with me early in the morning (unless they sleep in like dad). I will show them the Little Brown Church and watch them slide down the "slippery rocks" when we get good rain and snow again! 

I'm so thankful that Hume didn't burn in the fire. I hope that our family continues to make memories up there for years to come. 


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